We have included a group of Web Applications in your Site Control Panel that can help you easily market your websites on the web. The sitemap generator will let you get a complete sitemap of your site. Additionally, you are able to send that sitemap to the major search engines to crawl your web site. The RSS News publishing software will help you to make new content on your front page so you could get much better possibilities to climb higher in search engine listings. Also, we’ve integrated a GeoIP re–direction tool that will assist you to target your visitors far more accurately according to their geographical location.

A Sitemap Generator

A sitemap application included into your Site Control Panel

In case you have just launched your website and need it to be indexed much faster from the the search engines, or if you want to provide your web visitors a quick method to navigate through all your pages, then you’ll need to utilize a sitemap. Sitemap is known as a a list of all the webpages on your web site that have been linked to. Typically, you need to depend upon third–party applications to to get that done, however, with izb.works, you can get a Sitemap Generator integrated straight into the Site Control Panel.

The Sitemap Generator we provide is certainly simple to operate and since it is entirely compatible with our cloud Linux website hosting platform – your web site is going to be crawled very quickly.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Location–focused redirections with just a mouse click

izb.works provides you with a simple way to re–route website visitors according to their whereabouts. Through the GeoIP re–direction application, you could route all of the customers who arrive from a certain region to a native language variant of your web site. For instance, if you have an Italian variant of your website, you can easily send all the visitors from Italy to that particular web page in contrast to asking them to change to Italian as soon as they visit the English variant. This enables you to provide your site visitors with a user–friendly on–line experience from the very start.

There’s no need for any special skills or technical expertise to employ the GeoIP redirection tool. Everything is set up with just a mouse click.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Show the latest headlines within your website

What is RSS? RSS represents a method for submitting and collecting information. It is becoming frequently used by media sites, personal blogs, newscasts, etcetera. The published content is easily collected by a news aggregator and afterwards displayed to the consumer. Working with RSS, customers may get hold of announcements from many different sites and review them in one area.

With our RSS News Publication application, you can quickly integrate news feeds from some of the world’s most widely used news outlets and present them within your website.

RSS News