We have added a set of Web Accelerator Tools into your Site Control Panel to aid you to easily enhance the overall efficiency of your web sites. You will not have to change anything at all within the backend code or produce particular configurations that need technical knowledge from you. In the Site Control Panel, just pick the tool you wish to make use of – Node.js, Varnish and Memcached and generate an instance for it. It’s all completed with a click of the mouse. By speeding up your sites, you will not only prevent your clients from needing to wait but can even make your web site get a better position in search engine rankings.

You can find the Web Accelerator Tools in the Advanced Resources part of your Site Control Panel.


RAM–memorizing in place of database requests

When you’ve got a data base–dependent site or web app, and if data base calls have a tendency to decrease the efficiency, this can be really discouraging to the website visitors or the web application users. Searching for a remedy usually can require a considerable amount of time. However, within the izb.works Site Control Panel, there’s an easy remedy for you.

Memcached is an easy, yet strong distributed memory object caching platform, that memorizes data and objects within the RAM. Using this method, the database–stored info on your site will not need to be querried every time a visitor opens up the identical web page.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–caching instead of HTTP calls

There are a number of ways to speed up a site, but the majority of these require a programmer to reword the code. Fortunately, there are more uncomplicated solutions for speeding up a website, like the Varnish web accelerator program included in the Site Control Panel.

Varnish is web application accelerator, which stores HTTP requests in the server RAM and returns them to the site visitor as an alternative for waiting around for the hosting server to return them. Trials show that implementing Varnish on a web site or an app typically hurries up delivery times with a factor of 300 – 1000x. Varnish can be tweaked how to handle inbound calls – whether they ought to be processed by Varnish, by the server, and so on.

Hepsia File Manager


Designed for establishing quick and also scalable web apps

Web developers may use Node.js with regard to creating various cutting–edge and also affordable applications including business statistics, real time applications and website CMS, just to name a few. It is truly quick and adaptable and is supported by a proactive community that is continuously advancing and sustaining it.

Node.js is based on the Google V8 JavaScript engine and uses an event–based, non–blocking I/O model that renders its API accommodating and extensible. This specific groundbreaking formula makes it possible for designers to quickly produce high performance web apps only using just one language.

Hepsia File Manager