The success of a website usually depends on its content and on how and where you promote it. Unique content and an efficient advertising campaign will usually bring about many more site visitors, but there are other factors which will really make a difference as well. Some examples are: how easy it is to browse the website, whether you target different groups with the very same content, what position you have in search engines like google, and many others. We have included several tools to the Hepsia Control Panel that will help you make your sites more popular among visitors with minimal efforts. The instruments are extremely easy-to-work-with and offer a very simple interface, so that you can take advantage of them even if you don't have any previous experience and you're making your first Internet site.

Marketing Tools in Dedicated Servers

We offer Hepsia with all our hosting packages, so in case you need a dedicated server for your Internet sites, you will still be able to use the tools that we've integrated in our custom-built Control Panel. Making a sitemap for any of your websites, for instance, will be simple and easy when you use the intuitive generator which you will find in Hepsia. With only a few mouse clicks you will be able to choose the amount of links and what website content to be included, so not only will site visitors discover quickly what they need, but search engines will also index your content better and will keep up with any site updates that you perform. Two other useful features that you'll also find in Hepsia are the GeoIP redirection and the RSS feed instruments. They will enhance the overall user experience of your visitors, which in turn is likely to make these visitors return to your Internet site. The first option will permit you to maintain multiple landing webpages and redirect visitors according to their physical location. Without a doubt, localized websites could substantially raise the interest in your sites among regional communities. The second option will give you the opportunity to post various news which subscribers can receive in their favorite RSS reader on their phone or personal computer.