InnoDB is a very popular database storage engine for MySQL. It is an alternative to the default MyISAM engine and it has plenty of upsides which make it the engine of choice for a lot of open-source script-powered software applications, including Joomla and Magento, which have switched over to InnoDB for good. For example, adding huge volumes of data will be much faster with InnoDB, because it locks only one row to execute a specific operation, not the entire table, which makes the engine excellent for scalable applications. It also supports foreign keys and transactions – these refer to the way in which the info is handled. In simpler words, importing new or editing existent data will either be thoroughly completed, or will be aborted and the operation will be rolled back if a given issue shows up in the meantime, so the content that remains in the database will not be damaged.

InnoDB in Dedicated Servers

InnoDB comes by default with all dedicated service ordered with the Hepsia Control Panel. It’s an essential part of the software bundle that will be pre-installed on all Hepsia-equipped dedicated servers, so as soon as your machine is assembled, you will be able to log in and to install any script-powered software application that requires this database engine. If you set up a new MySQL database via the hosting Control Panel, there won’t be any active engine until you begin installing an app. As soon as the app activation wizard starts entering content into the newly created database, the engine will be chosen automatically depending on the requirements of the given app, so you can use both MyISAM and InnoDB without selecting either one of them explicitly at any time. Thus, you can make use of a vast selection of apps for your Internet sites.