The term "disk space" is sometimes labeled as "disk quota" or "data storage", yet all these terms mean exactly the same thing - the amount of information that you can upload to a website hosting account. The total size of everything you have is estimated by accumulating the storage space taken by all of the content within the account, the most apparent being the data files that you upload. Two other things are frequently overlooked by a lot of users, though - e-mails along with databases. Sizeable attachments and databases of larger script-driven sites can often use a lot of disk space too. In order to employ a more familiar analogy, the hard drive space of your home computer is used not only by files that you download, but additionally by docs you make together with programs you install. In a similar way, various things are counted for the hard disk space that your data needs on a web hosting server, not only the uploads.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers

Our dedicated service feature a number of HDDs in order to match the computing power that you will get, so that you'll never have to be concerned about not having enough disk space. The hard drives can be employed in RAID, which means that one drive can be used as a copy of another one so as to guarantee that all of your data will always be backed up, alternatively it can be used individually for even larger full storage capability. Hundreds of gigabytes of disk storage will be available all the time, so that you can manage huge websites, upload huge files and even keep a copy of your own archive. Considering that a dedicated server is the most powerful kind of web hosting, you can upload/download files with very fast speeds. When necessary, we also provide you with the option to include more hard disks and employ even additional space for your data. We provide three hosting Control Panels with the dedicated servers - using Hepsia, all your domain names will share the full server space and they will be managed in one place, whereas with DirectAdmin and cPanel you'll have the alternative to generate separate hosting accounts with pre-defined disk space quotas for every domain name hosted on the server.