Every time any content is uploaded to a website hosting account or downloaded using it, some website traffic is produced and this is an aspect that every single hosting plan includes. It is moreover among the features you have to check, since what amount of site traffic allowance you'll need depends on what exactly you need the account for. The traffic is primarily produced by downloads including site visits. In simple terms, whenever someone opens your site, the webpages are downloaded from the server to his or her computer and they are subsequently displayed by their web browser. It's also recommendable to know that uploads matter too, so that any time you back up larger files from your computer system to the server, some web site traffic will be generated too. Different suppliers often have different names for this particular feature, such as traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, yet all of them refer to the same thing - the exact amount of incoming and outgoing info created for some period of time.

Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers

The dedicated service that we provide come with tremendous traffic quotas which are enough for any kind of website, even a video streaming portal or a preferred social media. Terabytes of website traffic will be available to you each month and the administration panel that comes with each dedicated server will give you information how much data has been transferred already and what amount is available for the current month. In order to avoid service disruptions, we will inform you whenever you reach 90% of your quota and you are able to either decrease the site traffic generated by your web sites by optimizing their data, or you'll be able to increase the quota for your account. It's very unlikely that you will ever need such an upgrade, still we prefer to leave this option open. The statistics in that panel feature the total traffic, compared to the statistics in your hosting Control Panel where you can find only the traffic from sites, but not from server-side software downloads & updates.