In case you decide that you wish to change the business that's hosting your sites, you will have to relocate all of the content to the hosting servers of the new one, which might not be an easy task if you do not have a lot of experience or you simply have no time to get it done. In case you have an HTML site, it shall not be tough to move it as the migration is simply re-uploading each of the files to your new account, but in the event that you have a script-driven website and you ought to migrate a database, then link the site to it, and in addition you'd like to move mailboxes that you have set up for your domain, you might find the whole process troublesome. To make things easier for you if you choose to get a web hosting account from our firm, we offer Internet site migration as a complimentary service with all our Internet hosting solutions, helping you save the time, capital and efforts that you will otherwise have to spend to relocate the content yourself.

Assisted Website Migration in Dedicated Servers

If you would like to use one of our dedicated service, we can move any sort of website, regardless if it's a forum, a WordPress blog, an e-commerce portal or any other custom Internet site. We cannot migrate only websites created with site builders like Wix, Yola or Jimdo as they do not allow access to the website files, hence we cannot obtain the content in any way. Any other Internet site that can run on a Linux hosting server can be moved within two days to your new dedicated server and not just will our technical support set everything up, but they'll also test out your site to make sure its proper operation on our end. As our web hosting servers are quite powerful and can support loads of script apps working simultaneously, there will not be any issue to transfer even numerous Internet sites and you will not need to pay anything on top of the dedicated server monthly fee. Once our tech support team is done with the migration, they'll let you know and you'll be able to update the name servers of all domains which you wish to host on the server. During the propagation time, the Internet sites will load either from your new account on our end or from the servers of the old hosting provider, but because the content shall be the exact same, the Internet site visitors shall not notice any downtime.