Even though the Internet hosting service is basically storing your files on a hosting server, there are many functions which you'll be able to use for your site so as to control your online presence far better. Through an .htaccess file for instance, you could set up password protection folders, redirect the traffic from one website to a different one, stop or permit access to a site based on the IP of the site visitors, etc. This sort of functions can be set up by hand, but in case you have no experience or just want to save some time and efforts, you'll be able to use the innovative tools which we have introduced as part of our Hepsia Control Panel. They'll permit you to do not only the aforementioned things without any problem, but also a lot more tasks and some of these tools have no match in rival Control Panels.

Advanced Tools in Dedicated Servers

We supply a number of sophisticated tools as part of Hepsia, which is one of the choices for the hosting CP for our dedicated servers. These instruments will enable you to manage your Internet content without any difficulty and will provide you with more control even in case you have no preceding experience since they all share the user-friendly interface Hepsia provides. As an example, you'll be able to stop the unauthorized access to your websites by creating password protection for a certain folder or by completely blocking out the access to the server for one or several IP addresses. You may also create a comprehensive sitemap, set up a .htaccess file with different directives in it or forward any site or subdomain to a URL of your choice - all these things could be done with no more than a couple of mouse clicks within the related section of Hepsia. You'll even be able to modify various settings in the web server PHP settings through a basic interface as opposed to modifying a long and complicated php.ini file as you will have to do with alternative Control Panels.