A user–friendly Site Control Panel

You plan to have a brand–new website? You’d like to set up an e–shop, a new online journal or a portfolio website exhibiting your artwork? Don’t lose time, publish your site today. Using the tools included in our handy Site Control Panel, you will be able to build a brand new web site with its own unique design, selecting from among 800+ cost free design templates in less than 5 minutes.

And with us, administering your sites will be as easy as creating them. If you wish to upload a file, then simply drag it and drop it in our File Manager and it’ll be uploaded through a secure connection without the need for any complex upload forms or FTP client software. With the help of our Sitemap Generator, you’ll be able to create a new site map of all your pages in seconds. Plus, you can set up multiple e–mail box accounts and databases without much effort and track how your websites perform thanks to the Site Control Panel–integrated statistics tool.

A user–friendly Site Control Panel

Exclusive Domain Registration Prices

We have always strived to offer the lowest possible domain registration prices. By entering into partnerships with the domain name registries themselves, instead of using the services of resellers, we are able to offer advantageous domain name registration prices for more than fifty different universal and country–specific Top–Level Domains.

With each of our website hosting plans, you will get a domain registration option for just $12.50. On the other hand, if you already have registered a domain, you can transfer it over to your web hosting account and get one free year added to the expiry date.

Exclusive Domain Registration Prices

Linux Website Hosting with a 30-Day Free Trial

dotsteady offers dependable website hosting services with plenty of hard drive storage space and monthly bandwidth. Each of our cloud web hosting packages has been carefully configured to offer the maximum possible amount of features for its price. A affordable domain is added to all our packages too. Furthermore, each cloud web hosting account is backed up automatically.

Our cloud web hosting platform is totally scalable. If, at any moment, you choose to migrate to a different plan, even to a different sort of hosting service, our smart system will take care of that on your behalf. And, at any moment, you can touch base with our 24x7 support staff whose response time is under 20 minutes.

Linux Website Hosting with a 30-Day Free Trial

Choose your data center

At dotsteady, you won’t only enjoy a top–class website hosting service, your web site will be located in a top–class data center. We offer Website Hosting US services in our Chicago–based data center (Steadfast); Website Hosting UK solutions in a data center close to London (Pulsant); East European website hosting in our data center in Sofia, Bulgaria; and Website Hosting AU solutions in our Sydney data center (SiS Group). There is no difference in the features and the prices of our web hosting services in the different data centers.

No matter which one you pick, you’ll enjoy an incredible hosting service. And you’ll be able to use the most up–to–date stable versions of MySQL and PostgreSQL and to pick your PHP version (PHP 4/5) with all our website hosting packages.